Behavioral and Neuroimmune Characterization of Resilience to Social Stress: Reinforcing Effects of Cocaine
Numerous preclinical studies have shown that social stress increases vulnerability to the reinforcing effects of cocaine. However, the results obtained are not homogeneous, always observing a subpopulation that does not show...
National Chapter Spain, Day 7, 16:42-17:06
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 18th May, 2022
National Chapter Spain
National Chapters
Each National Chapter showcases its work, highlights the...
Methamphetamine, problems and answers, X Agora Meeting DGPNSD
X Agora Meeting of the National Plan on Drugs to address the problem and responses to the drug Methamphetamine. Date: June 9, 2022
Inaugurates: Joan R. Villalbí. Government Delegate for the National Plan on Drugs. Moderator: Graciela...
Positive Youth Development Project: A University Training Experience in Family Prevention (Spain) - Carmen Orte, Day 4, 09:00-10:29
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022
- Positive Youth Development Project: A University Training Experience in Family Prevention (Spain) -...
Cognitive impairment and alcohol dependence, clinical implications
By way of conclusion, it could be said that brain damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption (ARBD) is dimensional, from mild deterioration to dementia. In any case, ARBD worsens the response to treatment and the evolution of patients...
Cribado e intervención breve en consumo de alcohol
La morbilidad asociada al consumo de alcohol incluye patología digestiva, psiquiátrica, neurológica, infecciosa, cáncer de diversos tipos, enfermedades cardiovasculares, lesiones intencionales, no intencionales, patología social y...
Tratamiento farmacológico del tabaquismo
El tabaquismo es una enfermedad adictiva y crónica, caracterizada por la presencia de recaídas a lo largo de su evolución. Es la primera causa evitable de muerte en el mundo. Los profesionales sanitarios están obligados a...
Launch of the Spanish Chapter of ISSUP
Mental Illness Stigma. A Comparative Cross-sectional Study of Social Stigma, Internalized Stigma and Self-esteem
The aim of this study was to explore the role of stigma in different diagnoses of mental illness. A cross-sectional study (N = 255) was developed in two groups: users of a rehabilitation network for people with severe mental...
Diagnostic Utility of New Short Versions of AUDIT to Detect Binge Drinking in Undergraduate Students
This study examines the usefulness of two AUDIT adaptations with a sample of 907 undergraduate alcohol users. On the one hand, it includes the AR2i that encompasses revised A2r and A3r consumption items, and on the other hand—in...
Long-term consequences of alcohol use in early adolescent mice: Focus on neuroadaptations in GR, CRF and BDNF
Our aim was to assess the cognitive and emotional state, as well as related-changes in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression of...
Alcohol-related stimuli modulate functional connectivity during response inhibition in young binge drinkers
Binge drinking is a pattern of intermittent excessive alcohol consumption that is highly prevalent in young people. Neurocognitive dual-process models have described substance abuse and adolescence risk behaviours as the result of...
Study of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in patients undergoing treatment for addictions in Madrid
Background: Patients with addiction are a vulnerable group in which there is little data on the infection and severity of COVID-19. The objective of this study was to analyze the seroprevalence against SARS-CoV-2 in users in...
Situation in Spain of Gender Violence and Substance Abuse
Authors: Ms. Patricia Martínez-Redondo and Dª. Elisabete Arostegui Santamaria
Edit and distribute: Ministry of Health. Secretary of State for Health. Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs
Year of edition: 2021
Availability and promotion of alcohol across different outlet typologies and under different area-level socioeconomic status
We aimed to characterize the availability and promotion of alcohol at alcohol outlets in Madrid and to compare them according to the type of outlet and area-level socioeconomic status. We used the OHCITIES instrument to...
Availability and promotion of alcohol according to the typology of the premises and the socioeconomic conditions of the area
The objective was to characterize the availability and promotion of alcohol associated with the premises of sale and consumption of alcohol in Madrid, as well as to explore the differences in its distribution depending on the...
Estimation of the social cost of illegal drug use in Catalonia
Globally, as well as in Spain, illicit drug use is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. Quantifying the costs that illegal drugs impose on society is key to decision-making. The objective of this work is to estimate...
An estimation of the social cost of illicit drug consumption in Catalonia
Worldwide, as well as in Spain, the use of illegal drugs is among the major contributors to the global burden of disease. Quantifying the costs that illegal drugs impose on society is key in terms of decision-making. The objective...
Abuse Potential of Cathinones in Humans: A Systematic Review
Introduction and objective: Assessing the abuse potential of new substances with central nervous system activity is essential for preventing possible risks of misuse and addiction. The same methodology is recommended for the...
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