Outcomes of Excessive Alcohol Drinkers without Baseline Evidence of Chronic Liver Disease after 15 Years Follow-Up: Heavy Burden of Cancer and Liver Disease Mortality
Most long-term heavy drinkers do not have clinically evident chronic liver disease (CLD). However, at any time-point, their risk of developing CLD remains unknown. We aimed to evaluate the long-term outcomes of a...
Psychopathological co-morbidity in a drug-dependent population in alentejo
Co-morbidity or dual diagnosis is established by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the 'co-occurrence in the same individual of a dysfunction of psychoactive substance use and other psychiatric disorder' (WHO, 1995). There is a growing...
European Drug Report 2018
The European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released their latest European Drugs report.
Covering 30 European countries the report explores drug trends, developments in prevention and treatment, public health...
EU Drug Use Revealed through Wastewater Analysis
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released the results of their largest wastewater analysis study. The EU project analysed the wastewater around 60 European cities and towns.
This has allowed...
Efficacy Indicators of Four Methods in Outpatient Addiction Treatment
Background: In Portugal, as far as we know, there are no recent studies that evaluated the comparative efficacy of therapeutic modalities in addiction problems by reference to a holistic and psychosocial model of effectiveness.
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