ADIKTOLOGIE Journal 2/21 Publication Date 2 August 2021 Format Book Themes Addiction Prevention Treatment Partner Organisation ADDICTOLOGY Journal ORIGINAL ARTICLES PETRUŽELKA, B., BARTÁK, M., LAŠTOVKOVÁ, J. Biographic Burden and Initiation into the Use of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants from the Perspective of Users: The Qualitative Arm of the ATTUNE Research Study in the Czech...
ADIKTOLOGIE Journal 1/2021 Publication Date 1 January 2021 Format Book Partner Organisation ADDICTOLOGY Journal EDITORIAL GAVUROVÁ B. The Increasing Importance of Prevention Programmes in Health Policy ORIGINAL ARTICLES GASHKARIMOV, V., URITSKY, B., TUKHVATULLINA, D., EFREMOV, I., ASADULLIN, A. Relationship between Frequency of Energy Drink...