PSMG: Reducing Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose in the United States: Model Development and Policy Analysis
Authors: Mohammad Jalali, PhD Harvard University Wayne Wakeland, PhD Portland State University
Abstract: The opioid crisis is one of the most pressing public health issues in the U.S. today. Opioid overdoses are the proverbial “tip of the...
Drug & Alcohol Consortium of Allen County - Overdose Prevention in Virtual Reality
CADCA event
Engaging Dads in Programs to Support Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders
September 21, 2022, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
This webinar features experts from CREOKS Health Services in Oklahoma and Hushabye Nursery in Arizona. Panelists and NCSACW staff highlight the importance of...
Understanding the risks of mixing drugs
February 17, 2022
Mixing drugs, also known as polysubstance use, occurs when two or more drugs are taken together or within a short time period, intentionally or unintentionally. Even if someone has mixed drugs before, or mixes drugs often...
Covering Substance Use and Addiction Responsibly
What Are The Five Stages Of Change?- A Blog Dedicated to Educate the Families of people with Addiction
The blog is a rich source of learning.
You may read the information at your pace.
Share with the clients and their families to equip themselves with the simple strategies to take steps towards more recovery and less relapse.
Here- https...
Opioid Facts and Figures
Opioid Facts and Figures, recorded 3-June-2022. Presented by Lauran Wirf, DO: Addiction Medicine Fellow; University of Colorado School of Medicine; Denver, Colorado. With the increasing prevalence of illicit fentanyl, it is important for...
Using Adolescent Development to Inform Prevention Practice
Participants will review major social and biological factors of adolescent development and implications for ways to approach substance use prevention/intervention.
Objectives Include:
- Describe prevalence rates for adolescent...
Adolescent Suicide Research Screening, Risk Assessment, and Intervention
Abstract: Adolescent suicide continues to be an urgent, public health concern. This presentation discussed selected studies from a research program focused on developing evidence-based strategies for suicide risk screening, suicide risk...
Enhancing treatment recovery services for women
What is Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?
Short Takes with National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Learn about the definition of alcohol use disorder (AUD), signs of AUD, and what you can do to get help.
New Free Evaluation Tools from Prevention Plus Wellness
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) has updated their free program Pretest and Posttest Surveys and Fidelity Checklist for use by prevention providers to ensure their programs are being implement reliably and result in positive outcomes for...
Prevention Plus Wellness Video Program Samples
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Video Programs are highly sustainable, interactive video adaptations of our original manual-based programs that can be provided online and in classrooms.
PPW Video Programs provide the same content and...
Registration Open For FREE Virtual Summit: Reframing Global Prevention Practices and Policies During COVID 19
Join us for this free virtual summit featuring Ms. Giovanna Campello, Chief, UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, and Dr. Robert DuPont, President, Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc. and First Director, U.S. National...
New Study on COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness among Individuals with SUDs
New study sheds light on COVID-19 vaccine readiness among individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). In a small sample of individuals with SUD, some are hesitant to receive the vaccine out of fear of injection triggers.
El Impacto de las Drogas en el Lugar de Trabajo
Our recently released short video, The Impact of Drugs in the Workplace, is now available in Spanish!
El impacto ambiental de las drogas... Conozca la verdad.
Our recently released The Environmental Impact of Drugs... Know the Truth short animated video is now available in Spanish!
Factores Protectores
Our recently released Protective Factors video is now available in Spanish!
Alternativas a la Encarcelacion
Our new Alternatives to Incarceration short video is now available in Spanish!
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