Bridging the Gap between the Pressing Need for Family Skills Programmes in Humanitarian Settings and Implementation
How People Living in Canada Consume and Acquire Cannabis: Assessing Progress in Minimizing Harms and Establishing a Safe Supply Chain
People’s attitudes and behaviours about cannabis have shifted since it was legalized in 2018. The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has funded research to examine these changes.
As we approach the three-year...
Alcohol Consumption from a Social and Economic Perspective: A Review Study
Alcohol abuse and addiction are a widespread problem that leads to a serious collision and pose a serious threat to individuals as well as to society as a whole. In addition to the health aspect of alcohol consumption, social...
DECCA Big Guides
Global Family Systems: Psychosocial Resilience during Covid-19
Substance Use Among Adolescents: Risk and Protective Factors
On December 2nd, CICAD's Demand Reduction Unit organised an online event on "Substance Use Among Adolescents: Risk and Protective Factors". The event is part of a series of international dialogues between Africa, Asia, Latin America and the...
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®
National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week® will be held March 21-27, 2022.
Registration opens on November 1, 2021.
Join NIDA for NDAFW and help share facts about drugs, alcohol, and addiction in your community. Sign up for the latest news...
The Science of Skills- Listen First
On Saturday, 20 November to celebrate World Children’s Day, UNODC is launching Listen First: Science of Skills.
The new materials, Science of Skills, feature four animated characters with ‘super skills’ that correlate to social and...
Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Health approach
The Public Health Agency of Canada developed The Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Approach with a policy paper.
These new resources for preventing substance-related harms...
Developing and Evaluating Brief Alcohol Interventions for Risky Drinking Parents
Drug prevention and healthy development of children: Caring for your child in a crisis situation
Crisis situations, such as security incidents, earthquakes and floods, are on the increase and often leave families very vulnerable. Parents that have lived through crisis situations have reported how concerned they are about their children...
Impact of an adult family member’s problematic substance use on family life
Problematic substance use can be a significant cause of stress for family members of the person using substances. This review, published in the journal Drug: Education, Prevention and Policy, examines current research in order to explore...
Rescheduled | Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Eighth Session)
Psychosocial Interventions to Improve Psychological, Social and Physical Wellbeing in Family Members Affected by an Adult Relative’s Substance Use: A Systematic Search and Review of the Evidence
The use of alcohol and drugs is a significant public health concern and is prevalent in families. Over 100 million people are thought to be affected by a close relative's substance use, with many experiencing negative health and social...
Predictors of Burden and Resilience in Family Caregivers of Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder.
Family caregivers are an essential resource for individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD). Overburdened caregivers often experience detrimental effects to their emotional and physical well-being.
A cross-sectional...
Mental Health of Youth and Substance Use: Self-harm and Suicide in Young
Listen First- What the Experts are Saying
'Listen First' is an initiative to increase support for the prevention of drug use that is based on science and is thus an effective investment in the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities.
Listen First...
ISSUP UK Launch Event
Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of Drugs in England
The second part of Dame Carol Black’s Independent Review of Drugs has been published. This report is the second part of a major independent review by Professor Dame Carol Black into the misuse of illegal drugs in England.
The first part of...
Short-Term Secondary Effects of a School-Based Drug Prevention Program: Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of the Brazilian Version of DARE’s Keepin’ it REAL
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug and violence resistance educational program (PROERD) on short-term secondary outcomes, such as intentions to use drugs, attitudes toward drugs, school experience, and life...
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