Seminar Adapting the Icelandic Model for the Prevention of Drug Use: progress three years after its implementation
Quality standards in drug treatment: some ideas for incorporation into our country's services
ISSUP Chile invites you to participate in a webinar on quality standards in drug treatment and how to incorporate them into treatment services in Chile
The webinar will take place on Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. (Chile time)
Resultados del estudio sobre prevención, tratamiento e inclusión social, en el marco de la pandemia de Covid-19 en Chile
Webinar: Drug Use in Adolescents in the Pandemic Era: An Understanding of the Family Relationship
ISSUP Chile invites you to participate in a webinar on ''drug use among adolescents in pandemic times: an understanding of the relational family' to be held on 10 September 2020, from 12:00 to 13:00 (Chile time)
September 10, 2020, 12:00
...Webinar: Teen Drug Use in Pandemic Times: An Understanding from the Family Relational
ISSUP Chile invites you to participate in a webinar on 'Drug Use in Adolescents in Times of the Pandemic: An Understanding from the Family Relational' to be held Thursday, September 10, 2020, 12:00 - 13:00 hrs (Chile Time)
September 10
...Prices, Alcohol Use Initiation and Heavy Episodic Drinking among Chilean Youth
Research suggests that early initiation of alcohol use is a risk factor for multiple problems later in life, including heavy episodic drinking and alcohol use disorders.
Prevention scientists are particularly interested in understanding...
Women and drug treatment
Guide to clinical advice for treatment and rehabilitation programs in drugs in specific population of adult women.
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