UTC Training for Addiction Professionals in Mexico Time Zones
Ecolink Institute, India organizes its 4th International Training programme on Universal Treatment Curriculum on Substance Use Disorder for 5 April 2021 on every Monday and Friday from 6-8 AM on Mexican Time and 6.30 to 8.30 PM on Indian...
Scholarships for the International Network on Brief Intervention for Alcohol and Other Drugs
INEBRIA offers the possibility to apply for scholarships to attend virtually or in-person to the INEBRIA 2021 conference for professionals with genuine interest in expanding alcohol screening and brief interventions in their countries.
...National Release of 'Listen First' in Slovenia
‘Listen First’ and ‘The Science of Care’ materials have been translated into Slovenian and are being released nationally in Slovenia by the Institute for Research and Development (UTRIP) through its ‘Prevention Platform’ programme, which is...
ISSUP Kenya - Kenya National Youth Service UTC Cycle II Training
ISSUP Kenya conducted a UTC Substance Use Disorders, Cycle II training for the Kenya National Youth Service(NYS), at the NYS centre Yatta 8-12 February 2021.
The Director-General NYS, Madam Matilda Sakwa, EBS officially opened the training...
The 2021 ICUDDR Virtual Conference- Call for Proposals
The 2021 ICUDDR Virtual Conference will be held July 20 & 21, 2021. At this time, we are seeking proposals for this online event. Deadline is February 26, 2021.
Call for Proposals
ICUDDR is soliciting proposals for presentations at our...
Estimating the Impact of Achieving Turkey's Non-communicable Disease Policy Targets
According to the World Health Organisation, around 20,000 deaths could have been avoided in Turkey in 2017 if the country had reached its current goals of reducing tobacco and salt consumption by 30%, and physical inactivity by 10%.
European Drug Prevention Prize 2021
The Pompidou Group calls for youth projects to submit applications for the 2021 edition of the European Drug Prevention Prize.
The Prevention Prize is awarded to highlight outstanding drug prevention projects that have proved successful in...
At the forefront of a pandemic: COVID-19 through the eyes of psychotherapist at a drug treatment facility
The COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions associated with it have changed people’s lives in almost all countries. However, very few realize how the lives of people with drug use disorders – who are among the most vulnerable and in need of...
Webinar "Psychotherapy of Substance Use Disorders"
On Wednesday 28th October 2020, ISSUP Ukraine and ISSUP Kazakhstan delivered a webinar on the psychotherapy of SUDs. Presented in Russian, the webinar covered psychodiagnostic, psychotherapy, and introduced the main concepts, principles...
Online Echo Training on the Living Drug Free (Child) Curriculum in Bangladesh
Drug abuse is a tremendous menace in society with grave biological, social, financial, psychological, and security effects on the individuals, families, and the community. In the context of our country, the number of children with drug...
European and central Asian Countries Lead the Way in Cost-effective Alcohol Policies
A new report published by the World Health Organisation presents the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan...
Master’s Program in Addiction Policy and Practice
Georgetown Announces Master’s Program in Addiction Policy and Practice.
The new program seeks to build a national policy workforce to respond to one of the most untreated chronic health conditions in the United States.
Applied Prevention Science International (APSI)- Upcoming Courses
The APSI Education Centre is running a series of summer courses. Find out more about the events below.
Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions and Policies: New Tools for Prevention Professionals
Sep 24, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Sep 29, 3...
Màster en Addiccions- Universitat de les Illes Balears
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Les addicions esdevenen un greu problema social que requereix una resposta en l'àmbit formatiu i especialitzat.
Amb aquest màster canalitzam els fruits de la investigació científica entorn del camp de les...
New Training of Staff in Medication Assisted Treatment
Uganda Has now officially started training in harm reduction and has created Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) Clinics in one of its National referral Mental Hospital Alcohol and Drug Unit.
The training is ongoing for new and existing...
Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) 2020 Programme Implementation in Pakistan
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Narcotics Control (MNC) and support from Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the U.S. Department of State (INL) is in...
National Symposium on “Experiences, Challenges and Strategies in Strengthening the Capacity of the Drug Treatment Workforce” and Training on the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) in Jakarta, Indonesia
The UNODC Programme Office for Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Directorate for People Who Use Drugs organized a National Symposium and Training on the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for Drug Dependence...
GISA Trains School Principals on UPC in Nigeria
Global Initiative on Substance Abuse (GISA) has commenced the training of secondary schools principals in Lagos state, Nigeria on the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) for Substance Use Disorders.
Leading on from the first batch of a...
We are Family - Families and their Role in Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use, Crime and Violence, Including the Prevention of Recruitment into Violent Extremist Groups
The 28th Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) is being held from 20 - 24 May 2019. On Monday, 20 May 2019 UNODC's Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section organized a side event on We are Family: Families and...
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