Alcopops are highly sweetened pre-mixed spirit-based drinks which are specially designed and marketed for adolescents and young adults.
Alcohol Justice has released a publication highlighting findings illustrating the extent and...
Magnitude of Substance Use in India
National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program
Wastewater analysis is widely applied internationally as a tool to measure and interpret drug
use within national populations, with the current national program in Australia representing world best practice.
Tasmania Drug Trends 2019: Methamphetamine Use, Markets and Harms
The Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) and Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) are ongoing illicit drug monitoring systems which have been conducted in all states and territories of Australia since 2000, and form part of Dru...
National Cannabis Survey, fourth quarter 2019
Statistics Canada has been conducting the National Cannabis Survey every three months since February 2018.
The main objective of the NCS is to monitor changes in cannabis-related behaviours during the period preceding and following...
National Drug Control Strategy of the United States
Alcohol and the Sustainable Development Goals – Major Obstacle to Development
Alcohol is an obstacle to achieving 13 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 52 of 169 targets.
A major obstacle to sustainable human development:
- Alcohol kills 3.3 million people worldwide every year, representing 5.9 %...
Alcohol Policy Scoring
Assessing the level of implementation of the WHO Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol in the Region of the Americas.
[FOREWORD]. Monitoring progress is a key component whenever planning and committing to implement...
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy
The Scottish Government has released the new Alcohol and Drugs Strategy, which aims to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths. There were a record 934 drugs-related deaths in Scotland in 2017...
Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction have released their first report on the medical use of cannabis.
The report is part of a new series called Cannabis, Controversies and Challenges, and is designed to explore the...
Alcohol Occasionals: Seminars 2013–2018
Almost a fifth more alcohol is sold per adult in Scotland than in England and Wales. It is believed 1 in 4 people drink at hazardous or harmful levels and in 2016 alone there were over 1,200 alcohol-related deaths in Scotland.
Dying for a Drink
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) has published its latest report, ‘Dying for a drink’.
Scottish people tend to consume more alcohol than people in England and Wales. Alcohol is a harmful substance and, consumed in excess...
Preventing Overdose Deaths in Europe
There were over 9000 fatal overdoses in Europe in 2016. Tackling this concerning issues remains a key priority for public health policy.
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction has published their latest perspective...
Effectiveness Bank Drug Treatment Matrix Row 5: Reducing Crime, Protecting Families
Time to consolidate the lessons of the last five instalments of our course on drug treatment research. Row 5 explored key studies on treatment in relation to safeguarding the family and the community from crime. A common theme was the...
Strategy to Combat Opioid Abuse
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released its five point strategy to combat opioid abuse, misuse, and overdose.
The five points that the strategy is based on are to:
- Improve access to prevention, treatment and...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Coercion Tests Therapeutic Skills
Key studies on the contribution of the practitioner to reducing crime and safeguarding the community. Commentary risks formulating a general rule: The trickier the situation, the more the worker matters. Implication is that therapeutic...
Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Tobacco Product Display at Points-of-Sale in Kenya
In 2007, Kenya enacted the Tobacco Control Act, which is the principal tobacco control law in the country. The 2007 law includes prohibition of smoking in public places, ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and packaging...
UNODC World Drug Report 2018
The 2018 World Drug Report was launched on 26th June. The report covers a range of topics with the booklets split into drug demand and supply, drug markets, drugs and age, and women and drugs.
The booklets are all available free to access...
European Drug Report 2018
The European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released their latest European Drugs report.
Covering 30 European countries the report explores drug trends, developments in prevention and treatment, public health...
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