National Addiction-Specific Institutional Infrastructure – Fundamental Prerequisite for Successful Implementation of Specialized Academic Degree Study Programmes: A Case Study in Historical Perspective
Objective: Human resources are crucial for addiction treatment and prevention services, as well as for science and research. The aim of this historical case study is to explain and demonstrate the role of specialized university academic...
Overview of University-Based Addiction Studies Programs in the United States
Short-Term Impact of the EuroPean Accredited Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment Training (EPACTT) Program
The aim of this pilot study was to assess the short-term effectiveness of the EuroPean Accredited Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment Training intervention in improving health care providers’ knowledge, attitudes and...
Video Training with Peer Feedback in Real-Time Consultation: Acceptability and Feasibility in a General-Practice Setting
Objective: Since many years, teaching and training in communication skills are cornerstones in the medical education curriculum. Although video recording in a real-time consultation is expected to positively contribute to the...
Video Feedback in Education and Training: Putting Learning in the Picture
This meta-analysis demonstrates that the video feedback method has a statistically significant effect on the interaction skills of professionals in a range of contact professions. The aggregate effect, calculated on the basis of...
Virtual Reality Cue Refusal Video Game for Alcohol and Cigarette Recovery Support: Summative Study
A study implementing the use of virtual reality to explore addition and recovery has been published by a team of researchers connected to Clinical Tools, Inc. Clinical Tools is based in the USA with work combining medicine, science, and...
Workforce Development: Is There a Paradigm Shift?
This editorial examines whether training and education in the addictions field has considerably made a difference in workforce development. It concludes that transformational change has not occurred because beyond training and education, a...
Certification of Addiction Professionals in Africa: An Overview of the Process in Kenya
This paper focuses on Kenya’s course of action to address the drug problem, specifically, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). Treatment and rehabilitation of persons with SUDs was formally...
Addiction Training in Clinical Psychology: Does It Meet the Demand?
Clinical psychology is particularly well suited to offering a multifaceted response in order to help those living with a substance use disorder. A new study published in the academic journal American Psychologist investigates the extent to...
Social Media in the Classroom: An Experiential Teaching Strategy to Engage and Educate
This article outlines an approach to engaging and educating college students through the use of social media. The project is designed for a substance use course at the college/university undergraduate level. However, it could be...
Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Addiction Medicine Fellowships
Although progress in science has driven advances in addiction medicine, this subject has not been adequately taught to medical trainees and physicians. As a result, there has been poor integration of evidence-based...
Declining Addiction One Step at a Time
A new study carried out at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has found that results from drug and alcohol addiction treatment programmes improve amongst teens when they stop smoking. The findings, which have been...
Alcohol Abuse Interventions in Primary Care Settings
A recent review of studies focusing on excessive drinkers identified and counselled in primary care settings has found that, when combined with screenings and assessments, brief, regular intervention sessions lead to greater reductions in...
Shoot Hoops, Not Drugs: Sport as a Healthy Alternative
Eighty percent of 3- to 17-year-olds play some form of sport. Practitioners in the field of drug prevention have looked to promote sporting activity as a healthy alternative to substance use amongst young people. The Canadian Centre on...
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