Epidemiology, aetiology and statistics
Understanding the causes and patterns of substance use and related disorders.
National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS) 2023: Data on Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Mental Health Treatment Facilities
The National Survey of Substance Use and Mental Health Services (N-SUMHSS) is a voluntary, annual survey that collects data from all active substance use and mental health treatment facilities across the United States, its territories, and...
A rationale for an orientation towards systems of prevention
Prevention aligned with science and standards advocates for a person-focused rather than a drug-focused perspective when articulating responses and services. Such a perspective follows a narrative that early initiation to substance use is...
Toxicological Aspects of Cocaine Consumption
Examining the Role of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Patterns in Bystander Opportunity and Behavior for Sexual and Relationship Aggression
A study was conducted to examine how patterns of alcohol and cannabis use are associated with bystander intervention in situations involving the risk of sexual and relationship violence among college students. Researchers aimed to explore...
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