
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: The ‘Abstinent Alcoholic’

Scientific article
‘Backfilled’ as a seminal study for the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, the classic description of the patient who has sustained abstinence after treatment but is still unhappy, unfulfilled and/or nervously hanging on - in other words, not really...

Skipping Alcohol is Good for a Heart that Skips Beats

Scientific article
"Even light drinking could contribute to atrial fibrillation, a fluttery heartbeat with potentially grave consequences. Swearing off alcohol in the new year can be a way to recover from holiday indulgence. But for people who suffer from a...

Launch of 'Sobriety, Abstinence & Moderation' Research Cluster

With recent declines in drinking rates across parts of the world including Europe and Australia – particularly amongst younger people – and the rise of ‘positive sobriety’ movements, ‘dry months’ and online communities, further research...

Stopping Cannabis Use Is Associated with Improved Memory

Scientific article
The controversial subject of cannabis legalisation has led to the increased urgency in understanding the full health and social implications of the drug use. Cannabis use is particularly prevalent amongst adolescence - a period of time...

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