
WEBINAR: Ken C. Winters on Adolescent Brain Development

ISSUP Webinar
How does substance use affect the developing brain? What implications does the evidence have for substance use prevention and treatment? Our first Expert Days webinar explores several issues at the intersection of teenage brain development...

Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones

La Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones (RIIAD), editada por Centros de Integración Juvenil A.C., tiene el propósito de desarrollar una plataforma para la publicación semestral bilingüe (español e inglés) de hallazgos...

Addiction Journal Book List

Addiction journal publishes new book lists five times per year, both in print and on this website. Items are alphabetised by author within each list. The book list includes the latest evidence-based literature related to substance use and...

UK Drug Treatment - Lessons from History for the Future

On 7th November 2019, Public Health England released their adult substance misuse treatment statistics report. During the reporting year, a total of 268,251 adults were in contact with drug and alcohol treatment services, between April 2018...

PhD studentships- SSA

Overall purpose: to provide the opportunity to pursue a PhD in addiction science registered at a UK university and hosted at an appropriate organisation which, in the opinion of the Trustees (or officers with devolved authority), furthers...

The Best Way to Ditch Bad Habits: What Science Can Teach Us

Changing your lifestyle and making the decision to ditch bad habits can be a challenge for us all. Researchers from Kings College London and the University of York recommend some simple techniques that have been scientifically proven to...

Opioid Use Disorder: A Nature Reviews Primer

Abstract | Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a chronic relapsing disorder that, whilst initially driven by activation of brain reward neurocircuits, increasingly engages anti-reward neurocircuits that drive adverse emotional states and relapse...

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