
Self-Disclosure and the Treatment of Substance Abuse

Scientific article
Abstract The identification and treatment of the substance-abusing physician has led to outcome studies focusing on years of abstinence and resultant work performance, but little has been written addressing the therapeutic changes recovery...

Should Addiction Counselors Disclose Their Recovery?

More often than not, the answer is: no. “I’m in recovery too…so you can trust the suggestions I give you.” “I’ve been there, done that, so I ‘get’ where you are coming from.” “When I was in early recovery I wouldn’t trust normal people. But...

Therapeutic Relationships

The Importance of Therapeutic Relationships A therapeutic relationship is an effective way to promote positive change in people. It involves building trust in order to encourage openness and honesty. This leads to better understanding...

International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and other Drugs (INEBRIA)

Event Date

The 17th INEBRIA conference will take place in Goa, India, on September 24-25, 2020 under the title “Setting new directions for brief interventions”. The conference will provide an opportunity for practitioners, implementers, academics, policy-makers, and various other actors to influence the agenda for alcohol-use interventions.

Webinar: Identifying and Mitigating Liability Risks for Excessive Gambling Behaviour

Event Date

This webinar will provide an overview of casinos’ potential liability in negligence for contributing to the risk of excessive gambling, with comparisons to the well-established liability of licensed alcohol providers.

Risk factors include game design, loyalty programs, and an absence of harm-limiting mechanisms.

Webinar: Gambling and Public Health in Ontario

Event Date

Gambling is related to many public health outcomes.

In this webinar, Dr Elton-Marshall will provide recent findings from several studies exploring the extent to which gambling relates to behavioural addictions, substance use, bullying, and physical activity among adolescents in Ontario.

NAADAC 2020 Annual Conference

Event Date
Washington, D.C.
United States

NAADAC invites you to attend the virtual 2020 Annual Conference: Learn, Connect, Succeedfrom September 24 - 26, 2020 right from your home or office!

This year's conference will feature trainings in these five subject tracks:


International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP) Webinar

Video and audio recordings
Do you want the substance use professionals in your area to receive the International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP) credential? This webinar discusses how you can host testing for the ICAP certificates at your University. In this...

The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study

Scientific article
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study is an ongoing longitudinal study funded by the U.S. National Institute on Health. This link provides updates on the study as it learns about how the brain transitions from childhood to...

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