Benzodiazepines, such as sedatives and sleeping aids, are a widely prescribed group of medicines designed for short-term treatment. Although most people manage benzodiazepines as prescribed, some individuals misuse the drugs and can develop...
Mindfulness for Chronic Pain and Prescription Opioid Misuse
Opioid medication for chronic pain can be an effective treatment. Most patients take the medication as prescribed, however some individuals can become addicted to the drug, leading to opioid misuse. Prescription opioid misuse is a...
The Importance of Social Interaction in Preventing Addictive Behaviour
Negative social interactions and isolation have been linked with heightened risk of drug self-administration and relapse, whereas positive social interactions can act as a protective factor against substance abuse. Recent research...
Sex Differences in Cannabis Use
Cannabis remains the most commonly used illicit drug worldwide and, with the rise of decriminalisation and legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use, it is expected this will increase even further. There are, however...
Risk Factors for Discontinuation of Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), and the associated risk of overdose and death, is becoming one of the most prevalent threats to health and social wellbeing in the United States. Medication, such as buprenorphine, is the gold standard treatment...
Gene Therapy for Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine addiction is linked with uncontrollable drug seeking. Cues within the environment act as a constant reminder of the experience and can lead to relapse. Current medication options are limited when it comes to meeting the needs for...
The Epidemiology and Treatment of Smoking in People with Mental Health Disorders
Tobacco is the world’s leading but preventable cause of disease and death. Although cigarette smoking among adults has been steadily decreasing, rates continue to remain high amongst certain vulnerable populations. This includes individuals with mental health issues.