
Webinar: Living in a Cloud - Adolescent Nicotine Use

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Though adolescent cigarette smoking rates have decreased over the past four decades with fewer than 1 in 25 teens reporting daily tobacco use, e-cigarette use has increased two-fold. There are still lower rates of adolescent nicotine use overall, but a potentially dangerous trend has emerged with the increased use of vaping. 

Cannabis Fact Sheet for Parents and Caregivers

Scientific article
Canada's largest mental health teaching hospital (CAMH) has developed a new fact sheet on recreational cannabis for parents/guardians and caregivers of youth aged 12-18. It provides information about cannabis, cannabis legalisation, risks...

Bullying Involvement and Substance Use among Brazilian Students

Scientific article
Abstract Objective: Although bullying involvement has been associated with adolescent substance use, most of this evidence comes from high-income countries. Little is known about substance use among perpetrator-victims in low- and middle...

Website Launched to Teach Youth about Risks of Cannabis

With legalization of recreational cannabis looming, The Schizophrenia Society of Canada wants young people to understand the risks of using the drug. The society has launched a new website to increase awareness. ‘Cannabis and Psychosis...

State Prevalence and Ranks of Adolescent Substance Use

Scientific article
Abstract Introduction This study statistically ranked states’ performance on adolescent substance use related to cancer risk (past-month cigarette smoking, binge alcohol drinking, and marijuana use). Methods Data came from 69,200 adolescent...

Impact of Binge Drinking in Adolescence. Are we doing it right?

Abstract Nowadays, one of the most prevalent patterns of alcohol consumption is called binge drinking (BD). In 2015, the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Drugs (ESPAD) Group estimated that about 35% of adolescents of 15-16...

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