alcohol dependence
Cognitive Deficits of People with Alcohol Dependence
INTRODUCTION: Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a wide range of cognitive deficits observed in varying degrees among users. The aim of the research was to compare performance across different domains of cognition in a...
Reaching out: Supporting services to engage with the most vulnerable drinkers
An online events over two half-days
Wednesday 18 October and Thursday 19 October 2023
The people facing the most serious alcohol issues often face the greatest difficulties accessing the support they need. At this online learning event, we’ll be hearing from people with personal and professional experience about how we can reach out better.

Opening Doors: ensuring access for all to alcohol support
Opening doors
Ensuing access for all to alcohol support
Alcohol Change UK’s national online conference
Thursday 2 March 2023

Characterising smoking and smoking cessation attempts by risk of alcohol dependence: A representative, cross-sectional study of adults in England between 2014-2021
Summary Background There is a strong shared association between smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. This study aimed to compare smoking prevalence and smoking characteristics in drinkers who were versus were not at risk of alcohol...
Anomalies in global network connectivity associated with early recovery from alcohol dependence: A network transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography study
Abstract Although previous research in alcohol dependent populations identified alterations within local structures of the addiction ‘reward’ circuitry, there is limited research into global features of this network, especially in early...
Canadian Guidelines on Alcohol Use Disorder Among Older Adults
Open Access article: Abstract Background Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is an increasingly common, under-recognized, and under-treated health concern in older adults. Its prevalence is expected to reach unprecedented levels as the Canadian...
James Morris: Why harmful drinkers reject change: coping and cognition in maintaining heavy drinking
Join DARC and James Morris, LSBU, for a talk on Why harmful drinkers reject change: coping and cognition in maintaining heavy drinking.
Brain-Wide Functional Architecture Remodeling by Alcohol Dependence and Abstinence
This mouse study describes the structural differences in brains of mice who are dependent on alcohol compared to those who are not. Rather than looking at function of specific sections of the brain, the study looked at the overall structure...
Alcohol Treatment in Ireland 2011 to 2017
The Health Resource Board has published its latest bulletin and infographic describing the trends in treated problem alcohol use between 2011 to 2017.