
Alcohol Use Among Girls and Young Women: A Worrying Trend

Alcohol use by people under the legal drinking age of 21 has decreased over the past few decades, but the decreases were more pronounced for males than for females. In 2020, more girls and young women reported past-month alcohol use than...

Alcohol and Prostate Cancer: Time to Draw Conclusions

Scientific article
Abstract It has been a long-standing debate in the research and medical societies whether alcohol consumption is linked to the risk of prostate cancer (PCa). Many comprehensive studies from different geographical areas and nationalities...

Alcohol and suicide

Scientific article
Drinking alcohol can increase someone's risk of dying by suicide. This is connected to both the impact of long-term alcohol use and the immediate effects of drinking. Samaritans and Suicide Prevention Consortium have conducted research...

Alcohol related thiamine deficiency

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is an essential nutrient used by the body to convert food into energy. Thiamine deficiency, although rare in most developed countries, is common in people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol.
ISSUP thiamine deficiency alcohol drug foundation

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