
Anxiety and Alcohol Use: What Clinicians Need to Know

Video and audio recordings
Presented by Associate Professor Lexine Stapinski (the Matilda Centre) this webinar will lead to: 1. An understanding of typical patterns and issues relevant to the management of anxiety and alcohol use disorder comorbidity; 2. Introduction...

Institute of Alcohol Studies: Alcohol and the Sustainable Development Goals

Event Date

Alcohol and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

About this event

The seminar will run for 1.5 hours and will consider the impact of alcohol on the SDGs.


Chair: Kristina Sperkova, Movendi International 

Dudley Tarlton, United Nations Development Programme

Professor Jeff Collin, University of Edinburgh

Alcohol and Cancer - What everyone needs to know

Event Date

Organised by: Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare)
With the support of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
Part of European week against Cancer 2021

09:30-09:35 Welcomes and introduction   Dr Peter Rice European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare)   

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