
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: “The Relationship Can Heal”

Scientific article
Impressively wise, unprecedentedly comprehensive, backed by the American Psychological Association, and based on expert assessments and 16 new evidence reviews, the overview featured in this analysis has claims to being the single most...

Alcohol Treatment in Ireland 2011 to 2017

The Health Resource Board has published its latest bulletin and infographic describing the trends in treated problem alcohol use between 2011 to 2017.

Alcohol Use by Adolescents in Ghana

Scientific article
Harmful alcohol consumption during adolescence poses a major public health issue as it affects several aspects of young peoples’ health and wellbeing. A recent study, published in the Journal of Mental Health and Prevention, has examined...

Inspire Freedom Campaign - IOGT International

The Inspire Freedom Campaign – Together for women and girls – every 25th is IOGT International’s flagship community campaign to promote the rights of girls and women and to end gender-based violence, by preventing alcohol violence. The...

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