
The Brain of Binge Drinkers at Rest

Scientific article
Background: Previous studies have reported anomalous resting brain activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of alcoholics, often reflected as increased power in the beta and theta frequency bands. The effects of binge drinking, the most...

New National Alcohol Policy launched by Minster of Health

The new National Alcohol Policy for Malawi has been in the making since 2008, a process originally initiated by a group of NGOs. On the 18th of August almost ten years later the Minister of Health, Atupele Muluzi, could launch the final...

Alcohol and Criminal Justice: Costs and Consequences

Event Date
United Kingdom

Team ALPHA (Alcohol and Public Health) at Teesside University are hosting a one-day international conference focusing on alcohol and the criminal justice system at our Darlington Campus. 

Socioeconomic Position and Adolescent Drinking: What's the Link?

Scientific article
To what extent does socioeconomic position affect adolescent drinking behaviours? A new article recently published in the academic journal BMC Public Health addresses this question in the context of six different European countries among...

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