
Treatment of Skid-Row Alcoholics with Disulfiram

Scientific article
Conducted in 1962 and 1963 in Atlanta in the USA, the featured article seems the first to have tested whether problem-drinking offenders will take a drug which enforces abstinence by generating deterrent reactions to alcohol, if the...

Moving beyond Patient and Public Involvement in Alcohol Research

Event Date
United Kingdom

Alcohol Research UK and Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, are delighted to announce a joint one day workshop on patient and public involvement in research where we will explore different ways to design and assess research that aims for co-production.

New Publication: EMCDDA’s Prevention of Addictive Behaviours

An updated version of the publication Prevention of Substance Abuse by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is now available in English. Global in scope, it provides an up-to-date review of prevention science...

Alcohol Consumption as a Cause of Cancer

Scientific article
Background and aims: There is increasing research evidence about the causal role of alcohol in cancer, accompanied by unclear and conflicting messages in the media. This paper aimed to clarify the strength of the evidence for alcohol as a...

Can Abstaining from Alcohol Help to Fight the Spread of HIV?

Studies have shown that alcohol may play a role in more that 13% of deaths resulting from infectious diseases, including HIV. Evidence suggests that alcohol consumption negatively affects the fight against HIV primarily by: Increasing the...

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