
WHA adopts Global Alcohol Action Plan

On Friday 27 May in Geneva, the 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted the WHO Global Alcohol Action Plan 2022-2030, a key global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.
WHA Global Alcohol Action plan

Cribado e intervención breve en consumo de alcohol

Scientific article
Resumen La morbilidad asociada al consumo de alcohol incluye patología digestiva, psiquiátrica, neurológica, infecciosa, cáncer de diversos tipos, enfermedades cardiovasculares, lesiones intencionales, no intencionales, patología social y...

Changes in Alcohol Use in Denmark during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Scientific article
Abstract Introduction: The year 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Policy responses to COVID-19 affected social and economic life and the availability of alcohol. Previous research has shown an overall small decrease in alcohol use...

Alcohol advertising patterns and harm-reduction messaging

Video and audio recordings
This presentation focussed on the strategies used by alcohol marketers to promote their products, impending trends in alcohol distribution, effective approaches for messaging about alcohol-related harms, and public support for a range of...

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