Characteristics of Fentanyl Overdose — Massachusetts, 2014–2016

Scientific article
Summary What is already known about this topic? Fentanyl has a growing presence in the illicit drug market and is involved in an increasing proportion of opioid overdose deaths. What is added by this report? Approximately two thirds of...

Multiple Fentanyl Overdoses — New Haven, Connecticut, June 23, 2016

Scientific article
Summary What is already known about this topic? Fentanyl and its analogs have been substituted for heroin and other opioids, and are usually marketed to persons seeking opioids. Because of fentanyl’s high potency compared with heroin...

Webinar: Addressing the Unique Challenges of Opioid Use Disorder in Women

Event Date
Washington DC
United States

Deaths from drug overdoses are the number one cause of injury death in the U.S. Most of these deaths are related to the misuse of prescription opioids and heroin. While men were more likely than women to die of opioid overdose, the number of overdose deaths from opioids among women has increased substantially. Since 1999, women’s deaths have quadrupled from prescription painkiller overdose.

Consider the following:

CDC Public Health Grand Rounds January 2017

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