
Maltreatment and Marijuana Use

Scientific article
Is the maltreatment of children linked with marijuana use later in life? Are behavioural problems and tobacco and alcohol consumption during adolescence associated with smoking marijuana? These are questions that an Australian study...

The Developmental Risks of Second-Hand Smoke among Young Children

Scientific article
A new study published in Indoor Air: International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health has found that the more children are exposed to household tobacco smoke during early childhood, the more likely they are to show anti-social...

National Award for Child Welfare Organisation

Event Date
New Delhi

On the occasion of Children's Day, 14th November 2016, the Indian Ministry of Women & Child Development gave a prestigious award to the Society for Promotion of Youth & Masses (SPYM) for their contribution to changing the lives of vulnerable children dependent on drugs in the country. The Honourable President of India, Mr.

Rescued from Hell: Life after the High

This photo story documents the lives of children at a rehabilitation centre in Delhi. The majority of young drug users in India's capital city are addicted to marijuana and heroin. Rajesh Kumar, Executive Director of the Society for...

Parenting Styles and Alcohol Use

Scientific article
Alcohol use is common among children and adolescents despite the fact that this particular form of risk-behaviour can have a negative impact on one’s psychological and social development. A recent article published in the journal Drugs...

What Are Kids Taking?

The results are in. The 2014 – 15 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey shows that, on the one hand, smoking rates are generally down, while on the other, experimentation with synthetic and prescription drugs is increasing...

The Will to Stop: Explaining Smoking Habits

Scientific article
A new study carried out by researchers at the University of Stirling has discovered a link between self-control and lifelong smoking habits. It claims that children identified as having low levels of self-control by age eleven are more...

The TV Made Me Do It: Children and Alcohol Consumption

Scientific article
New research published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs supports evidence that alcohol adverts influence underage drinking. The authors suggest that the more exposure children receive to adverts for specific brands, the...

Vaping Ads Make Smoking Tobacco Seem Healthier

Scientific article
Up to 50% of children who try tobacco cigarettes for the first time are likely to become regular smokers within three years. At the same time, experimentation with e-cigarettes is increasing. It is now more common for 11- to 15-year-olds in...

Short Course: Involving Children and Young People in the Design and Conduct of Research

Event Date
United Kingdom

DECIPHer, the Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement, will run a one-day course on how to involve children and young people in the design and conduct of research, with a particular focus on the development and evaluation of complex interventions. The course includes practical sessions where delegates can apply learning to develop a plan for involving children and young people in their o

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