
Child Art: The Intersection of Art and Neuroscience

NIDA has worked with the International Child Art Foundation on their current issue of ChildArt which focuses on brain development and child health. It features the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development...

Smoke-free Home Intervention in Scotland

Scientific article
When an individual smokes a cigarette (or roll-up, pipe or cigar), most of the smoke doesn't go into their lungs, it goes into the air around them where anyone nearby can breathe it in. This is known as second-hand smoke. Infants and...

International Youth Day 2020

In 1999, the 12th of August was declared International Youth Day. Since then, the day has been dedicated to celebrate and mainstream young peoples’ voices, actions and initiatives, as well as their meaningful, universal and equitable...

The Child Welfare Inequalities App

The CWIP App brings together around 16 different datasets at the local authority and neighbourhood level, with a range of features including being able to adjust for deprivation effects using the results from linear models calculated ‘on...

Parenting under COVID-19

Families across the globe are adapting to changes due to (COVID-19). While isolation can represent an opportunity for families to spend time together, many caregivers will be experiencing conflicting feelings and priorities, as well as...

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