co-occurring disorders

Webinar | The Fusion of Substance Use and Sex

ISSUP Webinar
On November 6th 2020, ISSUP Philippines presented Part II of their upcoming Webinar Series. This Webinar focused on Best Practices: Understanding Why and How to Assess and Treat Co-occurring Disorders: Sex and Drugs.

Webinar | The Fusion of Substance Use and Sex

Event Date
ISSUP Philippines would like to invite you to attend Part II of their upcoming Webinar Series. This Webinar will focus on Best Practices: Understanding Why and How to Assess and Treat Co-occurring Disorders: Sex and Drugs.
ISSUP Philippines Fusion of Substance Use and Sex Webinar Flyer

Practical Recommendations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

Event Date

This presentation will discuss strategies for effectively assessing, conceptualizing, and treating co-morbid eating disorders and substance use disorders. The presentation will begin with a brief review of quantitative and qualitative assessment strategies, followed by a short discussion around case conceptualization.

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