
Suicide and Substance Abuse

New research has found a significant link between suicide risk and simultaneous cocaine and alcohol consumption. The study examined the drug-taking habits of 874 participants hospitalised for displaying suicidal tendencies, ranging from...

Police Seize 1,100 kg in Australia's 'Largest Cocaine Bust'

The largest seizure of cocaine has been documented with the arrest of 15 men. The drugs transited through the South Pacific and followed a seizure in French Polynesia. This bust is indicative of a growing concern of increased drug...
Cocaine Bust Australia

Which European City Consumes the Most Cocaine?

Scientific article
A new study suggests that Londoners consume the most cocaine during the week. However, it was also found that, when weekends were taken into account, the Belgian city of Antwerp overtook the UK’s capital for cocaine consumption. The results...

Energy Drinks and Alcohol…Cocaine

Scientific article
A new study carried out by researchers at Purdue University, and subsequently published in the journal PLOS ONE, has found that mixing alcohol with energy drinks may affect the adolescent brain in much the same way as does taking cocaine...

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