
Prevention Nuggets

APSI's Prevention Nuggets will address topics on prevention science and practice, etiology models, critical theories, ethics, environments for prevention, and many other issues fundamental to evidence-based prevention practice.

WEBINAR | ISSUP India - Therapeutic Communities and Its Applications

Event Date
ISSUP India is pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on Therapeutic Communities and Its Applications. The webinar is scheduled to be present on Tuesday, Sep 8, 2020 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm | duration 1 hour 30 minutes | (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi.
ISSUP India Therapeutic Communities Webinar Flyer

The Child Welfare Inequalities App

The CWIP App brings together around 16 different datasets at the local authority and neighbourhood level, with a range of features including being able to adjust for deprivation effects using the results from linear models calculated ‘on...

National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2019

Summary Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use can place a heavy burden on individuals, families and society. The health, social and economic effects are diverse and substantial, and include disease and injury, mental health conditions, road...

Leveraging Partnerships in Planning

Video and audio recordings
This webinar highlights the value of partnering with elected officials, law enforcement professionals, school administrators and educators, parent and student organizations, faith-based organizations, local media and businesses for a...

New Horizons 2020: Call for applications

Applications are now invited for Alcohol Change UK's New Horizons grants programme for innovative and future-facing academic research on 'Groups, Communities and Alcohol Harm'. The new grants programme will fund up to four research projects...

Parenting under COVID-19

Families across the globe are adapting to changes due to (COVID-19). While isolation can represent an opportunity for families to spend time together, many caregivers will be experiencing conflicting feelings and priorities, as well as...

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