
Prevention in a post-Covid-world: WEBINAR

Event Date

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting pretty much everything these days including primary prevention. We at Planet Youth have been keeping in touch with our partners around the world to learn how the pandemic is affecting on-going Planet Youth projects and projects that are being started.

Social distancing? How to deal with bad behavior

All children eventually misbehide. This is normal when they are tired, hungry, afraid, or learning to be more independent. And they can drive you crazy when they're trapped in the house! Redirect Notice each bad behavior in advance and...
Como lidar com o mau comportamento

Assista à Live com Dr. Quirino Cordeiro e Dra. Maria de Fátima Padin

No dia 23 de abril de 2020, o Freemind e a ISSUP Brasil fizeram a sua primeira Live com Especialistas” e os primeiros convidados foram o Dr. Quirino Cordeiro Junior – Secretário Nacional de Cuidados e Prevenção às Drogas - e a Dra. Maria de Fátima Padin - Psicóloga e especialista em Dependência Química.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Remote Care through Telehealth

Telehealth refers to the provision of personalised health care over a distance. It includes consultation by phone, instant messaging, video, text message, or web-based services. Telehealth consists of three main elements: The patient...

Alcohol Use in Times of the COVID-19 Virus

Scientific article
During this global lockdown, most people have had to make major lifestyle changes in order to adhere to guidelines outlined by their respective governments. The situation has forced people's behaviour and choices to change, and it is...

Solidariedade: como o brasileiro ajuda o próximo - Live com Pde Renato Chiera e Pde Evandro

Mais poderoso e mais devastador que o Coronavírus é o vírus da indiferença!

Quando a dor do outro já não nos incomoda; quando permanecemos de braços cruzados contra a fome, a violência e injustiça; quando fechamos nossos olhos aos que mais precisam de ajuda e aos que foram abandonados por suas famílias, seus amigos, seus governantes...

Sempre que isto passa a fazer parte do nosso dia a dia, sabemos que estamos infectados!

Adfam's Covid-19 Top Tips

The current global pandemic of the Covid-19 virus is resulting in unprecedented changes to peoples lives. Many of these changes will put an additional strain on the families of those with substance use problems, and already challenging...

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