
Pesquisa explicita relação entre álcool, drogas e violência

Já é de se esperar que álcool e outras drogas levem a pessoa a um caminho de violência, porém recentemente isso foi comprovado através de uma pesquisa de um grupo da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Eles publicaram...

Encuesta consumo de drogas, nivel medio de educación - Guatemala

Guatemala cuenta con una población de 15,073,375 personas, con pirámide poblacional mayoritariamente joven. Este estudio de tipo transversal, descriptivo, correlacional en una muestra de 13,856 estudiantes de ambos sexos, en edades...

One in six young people in high school tried drugs

Marijuana is the most widely used illegal substance, but growing consumption of 'popper'. At least 520 thousand high school students, whose ages are between 12 and 18, have used drugs at least once in your life. That figure represents 15.9%...

Symposium: "Women and drugs, challenges for prevention"

Event Date

The National College extends a cordial invitation to the Symposium "Women and drugs, challenges for prevention", which will take place Monday, September 11, from 19:00 to 21:00 hours (time of the city of Mexico), at its facilities, located at number 104 of the Donceles Street, in the historic center of Mexico City.

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