drug related deaths

Drug-related Deaths in Scotland

This report, published by the National Records of Scotland, provides statistics of drug-related deaths in 2018 and earlier years, broken down by age, sex, selected drugs reported, the underlying cause of death and NHS board and council...

UNODC World Drug Report 2018

The 2018 World Drug Report was launched on 26th June. The report covers a range of topics with the booklets split into drug demand and supply, drug markets, drugs and age, and women and drugs. The booklets are all available free to access...
World Drug Report 2018 booklet covers

Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opioids Drug Overdose Deaths

A infographic resource from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) exploring the drug related death statistics relating to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids reported in the United States. With nearly 50% of opioid related deaths...

Preventing Drug-Related Deaths

Drug-related deaths are rising and are a major concern to councils and our health partners. Deaths have increased sharply over the past five years and are now at their highest levels since records began. Any death related to the misuse of...

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