drug use

The World's Biggest Drug Survey

This year's Global Drug Survey (GDS) was launched last week. The GDS is the world's largest online survey about drugs and drug use. Last year's survey was completed by over 100,000 respondents. GDS is an independent drug use data mapping...

Drug Use among Mexican Youth on the Rise

In recent years Mexico has seen a spike in drug use among teenagers. A new study analysed drug use among Mexican high school students over the past two decades. The study found that the number of young people who had tried drugs doubled...

Improving Services and Systems for Transition-Age Youth

Event Date

The transition to adulthood is a critical developmental stage. Youth experiencing mental health and substance use concerns at this time may also face challenges related to housing, justice involvement, education, and employment. And individuals from vulnerable populations experience these challenges more acutely.

Contingency Management and Drug Disorders

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) defines contingency management as “a general behavioural intervention technique used in the treatment of drug dependence … designed to weaken drug use and strengthen...

Identifying At-Risk Personalities

Scientific article
A new substance abuse prevention programme called Preventure uses personality tests to identify children most at risk of indulging in harmful drug-taking behaviour. The traits it has identified amongst at-risk children include: sensation...

What Are Kids Taking?

The results are in. The 2014 – 15 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey shows that, on the one hand, smoking rates are generally down, while on the other, experimentation with synthetic and prescription drugs is increasing...

Is Mass-Media Effective for Drug Prevention?

Scientific article
Mass-media can be a great means for sharing knowledge and information. A study recently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) aimed to determine whether such channels are successful in reducing the intention to use, and the...

International City Health Conference

Event Date
United Kingdom

This conference's programme will examine the increasingly complex relationships between policy makers, researchers, communities and individuals, in a world where change is rapid and information technology has increased access to information, as well as changing the dynamics of communication and influence. The focus will be on the role of cities and how they can and should respond to and manage the needs of their communities, to ensure health a

City Health 2016

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