
European Drugs Summer School

Event Date

The 2017 'Summer School on Illicit Drugs Europe' will take place from 26 June to 7 July 2017. The summer school will focus on the drugs problem in Europe and beyond involving scientific experts from the EMCDDA and guest lecturers from European universities.

The Impact of Prevention Interventions in Early Childhood

Scientific article
New research coming out of the University of Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions points to evidence which seems to suggest that an effective way of preventing drug and alcohol use by teenagers is to begin substance abuse education in...

Bullying and Substance Abuse

Scientific article
New research investigates the complex relationship between bullying and substance use among adolescents. The study, published in the journal Addictive Behaviors, identifies a number of processes involved with bullying that take into account...

Rescued from Hell: Life after the High

This photo story documents the lives of children at a rehabilitation centre in Delhi. The majority of young drug users in India's capital city are addicted to marijuana and heroin. Rajesh Kumar, Executive Director of the Society for...

Adolescence, Alcoholism and Interventions

Scientific article
Substance abuse entails a whole host of social, physical and mental health problems. A recent overview published in the Journal of Adolescent Health evaluates the effectiveness of interventions focused on smoking, alcohol or combined drug...

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