
Faith, families, and recovery

Event Date
United Kingdom

Alcohol Change UK and Adfam are inviting you to take part in an online event discussing faith, family, and

Adfam National Forum- Prescription drugs and the impact on families

Event Date
United Kingdom

Adfam's monthly online forum events are free to attend and open to anyone with a professional interest in supporting families affected by substance use or gambling. 

By attending Adfam’s forum events you will hear from experts across the sector, network with others working in the same area and share practice.

Kenya Launches National Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention

June 26, 2021, Nairobi, Kenya:- As the World commemorated the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (IDADA) on June 26, 2021, Kenya has added another milestone in the journey towards a nation free from alcohol and...
National Guidelines on Drug Use Prevention, 2021 adopted and launched by the Kenyan Government on June 26, 2021

Stigma towards people bereaved by drug-related death

Scientific article
Drug-related deaths can result in complex emotional turmoil for family members who are going through a grieving process at the same time as often experiencing a level of stigma. Despite the high frequency of drug-related deaths worldwide...

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