ISSUP Nigeria are pleased to present their Fifth Knowledge Update Series Webinar on the topic of 'Recovery in Substance Use Disorders: The Family as a Resource'.
ISSUP Nigeria are excited to invite you to their Fifth Knowledge Update Series Webinar on the topic of 'Recovery in Substance Use Disorders: The Family as a Resource'.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE THERAPY: MELDING CARE WITH CONTROL In theory the great advantage of treatment ordered by the criminal justice system is that it can ‘hold’ patients in treatment and get them to comply with the programme sufficiently to gain...
As part of International Women's Day 2021, ISSUP Lebanon are pleased to have presented their Webinar with Dr. Hendrée Jones on the topic of treatment and prevention of substance use disorders among females across the life span.
ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar with Dr. Hendrée Jones on the topic of treatment and prevention of substance use disorders among females across the life span.
This booklet is intended for a global audience of parents and caregivers who are in all stages of recovery from substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main feature of this booklet includes seven tip-sheets that offer...
HOW CAN YOU PRIORITISE THE CHILD WHEN YOUR PATIENT IS THE PARENT? Guidance insists child welfare is paramount, even if your client is not the child, but their parent. The temptation is to sideline this uncomfortable but important work...
This report shares the findings from Adfam's State of the Sector Family Support Survey which in 2019 asked 117 practitioners and managers working in family support services in England about current trends, developments, strengths and...
Adfam, in collaboration with the University of York, and funded by the Forces in Mind Trust, has published a research report outlining the experiences and needs of families of veterans with substance use problems (FVSUs), along with a new...
In April, 241 people coping with a friend or family member’s alcohol, drug or gambling problem responded to an online survey by Adfam which sought to understand how some of their usual daily challenges associated with addiction- fear...
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