
How States Are Tackling the Opioid Crisis

Scientific article
ABSTRACT Objectives: We used data from the 2015 National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors Web-based questionnaire and other sources to demonstrate the range and scope of state initiatives being used to deal with the...

Drug trafficking at an All-Time High

This article from Sri Lanka highlights increasing drug trade throughout Asia. In particular, Sri Lanka is seeing a dramatic increase in heroin trafficking which is causing serious health and security challenges.
This alarming article from Sri Lanka highlights increasing drug trade throughout Asia.  In particular, Sri Lanka is seeing a dramatic increase in heroin trafficking which is having serious health and security challenges

The Societal Cost of Heroin Use Disorder in the United States

Scientific article
ABSTRACT Objective Heroin use in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. The objective of this paper is to estimate the annual societal cost of heroin use disorder in the United States in 2015 US dollars. Methods An analytic...

Overdose Antidote Takes Harm-Reduction Centre Stage

One of our selection of hot topics, analyses of important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Programmes distributing the opiate overdose antidote naloxone have become the great new hope for curbing the rise in drug-related...

Reducing Opioid-Related Deaths in the UK

Robust messages for the government from the UK’s official drug policy advisers: Ageing profile of multiply-ill heroin users will continue to press up drug-related deaths. To counteract this pressure government must maintain investment in...

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