Promoting Use of Evidence Based Practice: A Webinar

Event Date
United States

Practice-driven Conceptual and Organizational Framework for Promoting the Adoption and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices


Presenter: Laurie Krom, Director Network Coordinating Office Technology Transfer Centers

Drugs of Abuse Resource Guide

Education plays a critical role in preventing substance abuse. Drugs of Abuse, a DEA Resource Guide, is designed to be a reliable resource on the most commonly abused and misused drugs in the United States. This comprehensive guide provides...


The developmental stage of adolescence involves dramatic biologic, psychological, and behavioural changes. It is a time where young people start to explore, seek further independence and experiment with new experiences. It is also a time...

ICUDDR Annual Conference 2020: Call for Proposals

The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) is holding its annual conference at the Sukosol Hotel in Bangkok Thailand, July 13-15, 2020. Conference registration will begin on March 1st. ICUDDR supports...

Emotional Contagion: Everything You Need to Know

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The Stages of Change

1) PRECONTEMPLATION STAGE “It isn’t that we cannot see the solution. It’s that we cannot see the problem.” Precontemplators usually show up in therapy because of pressures from others… spouses, employers, parents, and courts… Resist change...

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