ISSUP Argentina

ISSUP National Chapters Meeting in Latin America during the 6th Freemind International Congress

The 6th Freemind International Congress provided its participants with much information of important and relevant content, based on scientific evidence. There were 40 national speakers and 10 international speakers, 20 hours of international training, 30 hours of lectures, 25 hours of thematic panels and 12 hours of playful activities.

In addition, the Freemind Congress hosted important meetings, such as the Latin American National Chapters Meeting. This meeting was led by the National Chapter of Brazil at ISSUP, through its General Coordinator - Paulo Martelli.

ISSUP at the Regional Meeting of the Global Coalition to Address the Threats of Synthetic Drugs in Latin America.

The Secretariat for Comprehensive Drug Policies of the Argentine Nation (SEDRONAR), in collaboration with the Drug Advisory Program of the Colombo Plan (DAP), together with the OAS-CICAD, UNODC, and with the support of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the U.S. Department of State in Washington, organised the regional meeting of Drug Commissions of Latin America. The event took place on December 10 and 11, 2024, at the San Martín Palace in Buenos Aires.

Regional Conference on the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, April 17, 2023 - The Regional Conference of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) will be held the week of April 19-21, 2023 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (UMSA) will be the host institution for the event, which will feature various courses and trainings.

Capítulo Nacional do Brasil compõe Comitê Consultivo da ISSUP

A ISSUP – Sociedade Internacional de Profissionais do Uso de Substâncias - criou o Comitê Consultivo do Capítulo Nacional para tratar de questões que afetam os Capítulos Nacionais como um todo e o Brasil foi um dos sete Capítulos Nacionais convidado a ser membro desse Comitê.

Após entrevistas e análises, o Comitê escolheu os seguintes membros para um mandato de dois anos (de setembro/2021 a setembro/2023):

Roberto Canay (ISSUP Argentina)

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