mental health

Guiding Youth Through COVID-19: A Webinar for Youth Allies

Video and audio recordings
This webinar, delivered in partnership with Alberta Health Services, explored the experiences of youth during COVID-19. Topics covered include the implications for substance use and mental health, mental health literacy, guidance for...

The Implications of COVID-19 for Substance Use and Mental Health – A Public Health Perspective

Event Date

In this CCSA panel discussion webinar, experts will provide federal, provincial and local perspectives on the response to substance use and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will explore the implications of the pandemic response on substance use and mental health, as well as the response measures that were taken, lessons learned and recommendations as pandemic restrictions across Canada begin to lift.

World Suicide Prevention Day

Every year on the 10th of September organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people die by suicide. Close to 800 000 people die by suicide every year...

Methamphetamine Associated Psychosis

Video and audio recordings
Through an overview of the contemporary evidence on methamphetamine use and psychosis, this clinically-focused webinar will provide participants with the opportunity to develop an understanding of how best to assess and manage individuals...

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