mental health

Mental Health and Alcohol

Event Date

Mental Health and Alcohol

November 21st 13:30-15:00

1) Exploring the changing patterns in mental health and alcohol use
Dr Praveetha Patalay
University College London

2) Understanding the associations between alcohol use and mental health in
Jo-Anne Puddephatt
Lancaster University

Mental Health and Substance Use: Reading List

Reading List
Mental health and substance use issues are commonly linked, and it is important that practitioners are skilled and knowledgeable in identifying and working with the potential challenges an individual may be facing. For World Mental Health...

Integrating Substance Use and Mental Health Systems

Historically, substance use and mental health systems and services have operated independently. Yet many people who access substance use services also have mental health disorders. Improving client care means ensuring people can easily...

Challenges and Responses: Reaching out to those with Substance Use and Mental Health Problems

ISSUP Webinar
The theme of World Mental Health Day 2022 on 10th October is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'. To celebrate this worldwide activation, ISSUP UK, ISSUP Indonesia and ISSUP Pakistan are pleased to present a Webinar discussing challenges in reaching vulnerable populations and individuals experiencing substance use and mental health problems.

Challenges and Responses: Reaching out to those with Substance Use and Mental Health Problems

Event Date
The theme of World Mental Health Day 2022 on 10th October is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'. To celebrate this worldwide activation, ISSUP UK, ISSUP Indonesia and ISSUP Pakistan invite you to join a Webinar discussing challenges in reaching vulnerable populations and individuals experiencing substance use and mental health problems.

The complexity and challenge of ‘dual diagnosis’

This Drug and Alcohol Finding publication addresses a hot topic which generates heated debate- dual diagnosis. Whether to focus on mental health problems or substance use problems when the patient exhibits both is a long-standing conundrum...

Mental ill health and substance misuse: Dual Diagnosis

This paper has been compiled in response to an MLA request on the complex issue of ‘dual diagnosis’ in the context of service provision. Specifically, the paper provides the following: An overview of dual diagnosis. Estimated prevalence...

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