
No Clear Role for Medications in Less Dependent Drinkers

Scientific article
In 2013 nalmefene was authorised for moderating drinking among patients not in need of detoxification, extending pharmacotherapy to less dependent drinkers. Though uniquely authorised for this purpose, this review found other (and probably...

Mortality Risk During and After Opioid Substitution Treatment

Scientific article
ABSTRACT Objective To compare the risk for all cause and overdose mortality in people with opioid dependence during and after substitution treatment with methadone or buprenorphine and to characterise trends in risk of mortality after...

Does AA Really Help Drinkers Stop?

Scientific article
12-step fellowships offer a way to reconcile shrunken resources with the desire to get more patients safely out of treatment. Accounting for the self-selection bias which has obscured AA’s impacts, this synthesis of US trials finds that...

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