Mobile Technology
INTRODUCTION: Parental technoference (PTF) refers to the behaviour of a parent who looks at the screen of their smartphone (or other electronic device) instead of their child’s face during parent-child interaction. The parent’s inattention...
m-Health Applications for Responding to Drug Use and Associated Harms
Digital healthcare, also known as e-health, refers to tools and services that use information and communication technology to improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and management of health. Mobile health, or m-health, is...

Applying Mobile Technology to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders: The State of the Science
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | 10:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-04:00) | 1 hour | Add to my calendar
Presenter: Lisa A. Marsch
Host: Sonia Oren
Meeting number: 636 092 406
Meeting password: April42017
Audio connection:
1-877-668-4490 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)