
Mujeres, consumo de alcohol y la pandemia de COVID-19

Event Date
Washington DC
United States

La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), invita a participar este martes, 15 de marzo, en el seminario virtual "Mujeres, consumo de alcohol y la pandemia de COVID-19". Se abordará el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 sobre la salud mental de las mujeres, el consumo de alcohol y cómo la comercialización del alcohol, las políticas y las intervenciones han influido sobre la salud de las mujeres durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Situation in Spain of Gender Violence and Substance Abuse

Authors: Ms. Patricia Martínez-Redondo and Dª. Elisabete Arostegui Santamaria Edit and distribute: Ministry of Health. Secretary of State for Health. Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs Year of edition: 2021 The content of...

Women and drug treatment

Guide to clinical advice for treatment and rehabilitation programs in drugs in specific population of adult women. Are you an ISSUP member? If not, you can join ISSUP by registering here: Are a part of...

Symposium: "Women and drugs, challenges for prevention"

Event Date

The National College extends a cordial invitation to the Symposium "Women and drugs, challenges for prevention", which will take place Monday, September 11, from 19:00 to 21:00 hours (time of the city of Mexico), at its facilities, located at number 104 of the Donceles Street, in the historic center of Mexico City.

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