mutual aid
Current Scientific Evidence About Mutual Help Groups
This presentation summarizes the current evidence about the effectiveness of mutual help groups and the mechanisms of action in these groups, including AA, SMART, LifeRing, and WFS. AA is comparably effective to well-implemented CBT. The evidence so far suggests that the other groups are comparably effective to AA. Further studies are in progress.
The Talking Route to Recovery. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Row 4
England’s Health Care Gatekeeper Endorses Mutual Aid. Highlight from Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Cell E4
Psychosocial therapies in the treatment system. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell E4
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: The ‘Abstinent Alcoholic’
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Psychosocial Approaches in Drug Treatment Systems
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Cell: Psychosocial Treatment; Individuals, Not Programmes