Abstract Brief interventions are recognized by WHO as an effective measure to help people quit tobacco, reduce or stop alcohol use and increase physical activity. They can also help to achieve and maintain healthy eating behaviours and...
Policies, delivery models, and lessons learned from integrating mental health and substance abuse services into primary health care in Ethiopia.
In Ethiopia, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) represent 18.3% of premature mortality, consume 23% of the household expenditures, and cost 1.8% of the gross domestic product. Risk factors such as alcohol, khat, and cannabis use are on the...
Health Harming Products and Non-Communicable Disease Prevention in Scotland
A cross-party discussion on the impact of health-harming products to launch a new report on by ten of Scotland's leading health charities
Scotland: NCD Prevention report
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and lung disease. These diseases are responsible for almost 34,000 deaths every year in Scotland - more than half of all deaths. There are currently, more...

Noncommunicable Disease Progress Monitor
Noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of premature death globally. Every year, 41 million people die from heart attacks, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes or a mental disorder. Despite the concerning trends and...

Bridging the Gap on NCDs: From Global Promises to Local Progress
Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) are recognised as the world’s biggest killer and cause of disability, constituting a global health crisis that requires an urgent policy response. This was acknowledged by world leaders at three UN High-Level...

Funding Opportunity Announcement- Chronic, Non-Communicable Diseases and Disorders Across the Lifespan: Fogarty International Research Training Award
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) encourages applications for the Chronic, Non-Communicable Diseases and Disorders Across the Lifespan: Fogarty International Research Training Award (NCD-LIFESPAN) D43 program for institutional...

Webinar: WHO- Integrating NCD care with pre-conception and maternal health services
Learn why integrating NCD care with reproductive & maternal health services is crucial in responding to the global issue of women and NCDs
Time: May 29, 1pm BST.

Socioeconomic Status and Non-Communicable Disease Behavioural Risk Factors in Low-Income and Lower-Middle-Income Countries
FINDINGS Low socioeconomic groups were found to have a significantly higher prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use than did high socioeconomic groups. These groups also consumed less fruits, vegetables, fish, and fibre than those of high...