
Intentional Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States

Scientific article
During 1999–2019, age-adjusted rates of U.S. drug-involved overdose deaths more than tripled from 6.1 to 21.6 per 100,000 (1), and suicide rates (driven primarily by firearm suicide) increased 35.2% from 10.5 to 13.9 per 100,000 (2)...

Opioid-related deaths: health and social responses

This miniguide is one of a larger set, which together comprises Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide 2021. It provides an overview of the most important aspects to consider when planning or delivering health and...

Prevention and care of substance overdoses

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Kazakhstan invites you to take part in the upcoming webinar on the topic: 'Prevention and care of overdoses of psychoactive substances'. The widespread use of drugs, as well as the use of the Internet to distribute them, is becoming a...

Drug overdose: a film about life

Video and audio recordings
This is a film about hope and life, it is about people who are making a difference.

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