
Nordic Reform Conference 2023

Event Date

Learn. Connect. Participate.

Learn about evidence-based practices in the field of drug policy,

Contemporary Drug Problems Conference

Event Date

Building on CDP’s previous conferences, which have opened up questions of how drugs are problematised; how the complexity of drug use can be attended to; how drug use might be understood as an event, assemblage or phenomenon; how drugs and their effects are constituted in various forms of practice and interactions/intra-actions, and how we might rethink change.

19TH INEBRIA Conference

Event Date
United States

INEBRIA are pleased to announce that the 19th INEBRIA conference will take place in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA, on September 28-29, 2023 (pre-conference on the 27th).

The main conference theme is “Optimizing Brief Interventions for a New Era: From Research to Practice and Policy”.


Support. Don't Punish International Day of Action

A global advocacy campaign calling for drug policies based on health and human rights. Support. Don’t Punish is a global grassroots-centred initiative in support of harm reduction and drug policies that prioritise public health and human...

The Impact of Alcohol Availability Interventions

Scientific article
Interventions that restrict the availability of alcohol reduce the risk of harm. However, until now it has been unclear why this is the case. In this research, the views of public health teams, police, local authority licensing teams and...

Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit conclusions

Following the conclusion of the Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit, we are still enthusiastic to have met so many partners in person and for the good outcome of the event, which was possible thanks to the availability and contribution of every single person.
Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit conclusions and final declaration

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