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ORGANISATIONS SET THE CONTEXT FOR CRIME-REDUCING TREATMENT Key studies teasing out organisational-level influences on treatment for drinking problems which aims to reduce crime and safeguard family and community. In the context of a market...
View this message as a web page DRINK, DOCTORS AND MEDICATIONS Time to consolidate the lessons of the five cells of row 3 in the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, all on the treatment of alcohol dependence in a medical context or involving medical...
View this message as a web page: DRINK, DOCTORS AND MEDICATIONS Time to consolidate the lessons of the five cells of row 3 in the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, all on the treatment of alcohol dependence in a medical context or involving medical...
TREATMENT SYSTEMS TRANSCEND INDIVIDUAL SERVICES Online course on alcohol treatment research moves out to the level of whole treatment systems, highlighting the simple US innovation which routed detoxification recyclers into longer term...
THE TREATMENT ORGANISATION IS THE HEALING CONTEXT Seminal and key research on how treatment organisations create an environment affecting whether staff and alcohol-dependent patients realise their potential. Starts with the US resource...
HOW ORGANISATIONAL CONTEXT AFFECTS SCREENING AND BRIEF INTERVENTION Selection and exploration of key studies starts with a review mapping influences which might obstruct or promote implementation efforts, then highlights a striking...
Clients’ perceptions of and reactions to treatment are the focus of this final of four bulletins recapping 16 reviews for the American Psychological Association. Emerging from psychotherapy research worldwide are practical and effective...
Findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that providing therapists real-time feedback from the client (including substance use clients) on their progress and how to improve it is among the most effective ways...
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