
Drugs Research Network Scotland Annual Conference 2022

Event Date
United Kingdom

Complex lives and complex systems: Untangling the complexity through drugs research

Through a series of keynote presentations, shorter “Research Bites” presentations, networking opportunities, and a panel discussion, the DRNS 2022 conference will encourage delegates to expand their understanding of the wide-ranging complexities affecting the field of drug use and consider the research being done to address them.

NIH Workshop on Psychedelics as Therapeutics

Event Date
Washington, D.C.
United States
To learn what does Science can tell about the gaps, challenges, and opportunities on psychedelics as therapeutics, the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) will host a virtual and free workshop on January 12 and 13, 2022.

ICUDDR/ISAJE Publishing Addiction Science Series

Video and audio recordings
Here you can find the recordings of the train the trainer webinar series on publishing addiction science. 1 Choosing a journal 2 Submitting your paper 3 Writing the introduction section 4 The methods section 5 Results Section 6 Discussion...

LxAddictions22: Global addictions

Lisbon Addictions is a multidisciplinary conference that provides a forum for networking across addictions. Submission of abstracts Potential contributors are invited to submit abstracts for the following main areas/thematic tracks: Global...

2021 NDARC Annual Research Symposium Recordings

Video and audio recordings
The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) held the 2021 Annual Research Symposium on the 20 - 22 October 2021. Here you can see recordings of all of the sessions from the three days. Session One Topic: Emerging pharmaceutical...

The SSA guide to academic posters

The Society for the Study of Addiction have developed a guide for creating academic posters. The resource contains information on: Tailoring your poster to your audience Presentation Telling a story Topic Accessibility Inclusivity Entry...

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