substance use

The Stigma of Substance Use

Video and audio recordings
Dr Liviu Alexandrescu Lecturer in Criminology School of History, Philosophy and Culture – Oxford Brookes University Presentation title: Drug/dependency stigma and marginality: some reflections on the political economy of blame. Dr James...

Virtual Solutions for Substance Use Care Conference

Event Date

On December 9th and 10th, 2020, international colleagues from across the healthcare community will gather to attend an online conference on virtual solutions for substance use care.

High Risk Substance Use and Overdose Among Youth Conference

Event Date

The rising numbers of young people with high-risk substance use, especially suffering from overdose, is alarming. Adolescence and young adulthood (under the age of 25) is the period of highest incidence and greatest impact of mental health and substance use disorders, yet there are no youth-specific services in place.

Virtual Solutions for Substance Use Care Conference

Event Date

The COVID-19 pandemic proved that a lot of medicine can be delivered virtually. A lot of sentiments were corrected and a lot of anxieties were proven wrong. Online resources can help to build capacity and provide better access to patients who need care and can’t get it.

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